About Us

Dr Don Whitley APAGB LRPS Co-Founded the Yorkshire Monochrome Group (YMG) in 1998 and he was Chairman from 1998 - 2019. In 2023 YMG celebrates it's 25th anniversary.
YMG is a group of enthusiastic photographers who like to work in monochrome. The Group's aim is to encourage monochrome photography, both film and digital, by producing, showing and discussing prints or projected images with colleagues; mounting exhibitions of the Group's work; and enjoying the stimulation offered by the Group's programme of invited speakers.
There is no annual membership fee. Each full-day event costs £20.00 and that includes a buffet lunch and refreshments. Meetings start at 10:00 and finish at about 16:00. You can attend as many or as few of the Group's meetings as you like.
Anyone interested in monochrome photography and is prepared to contribute by showing a few of their prints is welcome. Just book a place and then come along to listen to expert speakers or show your own work.
Meetings are held on the second Sunday of the month at Don Whitley Scientific Limited's offices at Victoria Mills, Bradford Road, Bingley, BD16 1AH - find us.